A Brave Space with Dr. Meeks
A Brave Space with Dr. Meeks will support the work of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing in its mission of creating brave space where the truth can be told. The sessions will explore various topics that address the intersections between slavery, lynching, the prison industrial complex, the death penalty and 21st-century police killings and the ways in which these issues prohibit racial healing in America. There will be a wide variety of guests who will assist the host and Absalom Jones CenterDirector in engaging the crucial topic of racial healing from their wide range of experiences as resistors to racism and in seeking racial healing.
A Brave Space with Dr. Meeks
The Center Celebrates It's 5 Year Anniversary
Dr. Catherine Meeks
Season 1
Episode 43
Audio Player
00:00 | 31:32
The Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing celebrates it's 5 Year Anniversary in October and in this episode, you will hear the reflections of the past, impact of the present, and vision for the future of our work.
We want to take a moment to especially thank all of our supporters, listeners, and brave souls who continue to live into God's dream by doing the courageous work of dismantling racism and becoming well.
Tune in to join the celebration and get excited about our blueprint for the future.
Ready to get involved? Connect with us online at centerforracialhealing.org